Mars Ultor Spellcast

Mars Ultor

Mars Ultor, the Avenger. His temple is the first and only temple of Mars to be built inside the walls of Rome, erected by Augustus Octavian after achieving vengeance regarding the murder of Julius Caesar.

This cast equals to a punisher work that'll seek for equality of damage on those who've been wronged in the past. It's a chance to make Karma knock on the harmer/target's door and bring whatever wrath you find necessary for the pain he/she put you through. It's a session of astral projection that'll get you payback on an event that caused you suffering and never seemed to be fairly judged.

This cast requires the name of the target. You order the service, I deliver it exactly as requested. In cases that are extremely violent, I'll require motive.

$28 @ PayPal @
Message me for further info and/or order the service.


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