Soul Reorganizer Spellcast

Soul Reorganizer

Mars is known to be equal to Ares, we all know that. But he can also be attributed to Mithras, the Persian solar god, as well as to Sol Invictus, the Roman version of Mithras. With that being said, it's very likely that Mars is a face of the sun, therefore, Apollo himself.

As Paean, the Healer, this cast will revitalize your shattered soul pieces - places of darkness within your subconcious - that need adjustment. It's a healing session that'll strenghten your vital points and bring balance to the ones that seem off. If you're in an internal crisis, waging wars inside yourself, this is the cast that'll allow you to meet a moment of closure with old patterns and triggers, as well as provide peace of mind and act as soul cleansing for your energy field.

This cast will require your full name and date of birth.
$12 @ PayPal @
PM me for further info.


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